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The Tales of Our Ibadan Kim Kardashian

We all admit that sex is a major factor in relationships these days, I mean if we’re being honest it really is a major factor between relationships that concern people of separate genders. And the prevalent question here is: How much of sex is enough? How much about sex did your parents teach you? What really is the going rate for sex these days? Is sex, overrated? If you say yes, we may revert to the statement if whether or not you’re doing it right.

Today’s story is about a sexcapade that is now all too famous and in case you haven’t heard or you are not “woke” enough, it’s about Opeyemi’s Sex tape. It’s safe to assume we all have sex or at least a vast of us are sexually active, or why else do you think there is an “Abstain from Sex” billboard in front of Idia. Now that that has been established, does the public really need to know about your sexual adventures?

Or is that Kim Kardashian has sort of become a role model to these girls, that they believe if they follow exactly in her shoes, they would be as famous? Or are they forgetting that the basis of Kim’s popularity was an attractive face and body?

Anyway, before we move to further analyze the details of the sextape, here’s a little backdrop story (this is purely out of our own imagination by the way). Ope met a boy, who was decently attractive, had his own place outside school, they agreed to meet up and have sex. And after several trysts, Ope consented to allowing the boy film their sex, and if you are beginning to ponder why she would agree to such a thing, it’s the same reason why people snap nude pictures, people love to watch themselves, people adore themselves.

Anyway, in the heat of the moment, while the guy’s rock hard member is plummeting through Ope’s vagina rapidly in a postion often associated to a dog, she agrees to show her face while letting her moans rent the air and then shortly after, the poorly recorded sextape ends.

There are so many questions befalling me and I hope you answer a few: Did she think this will make her popular? Or do girls just generally like sextapes? Did she forget that the SDC bells are chiming ever so loudly now? Or did she just want to make the next UI Critics top 10 casted hoes in UI?

What really is the going price for sex these days? One pack of Jay’s chicken and chips? And for the guys, would you look forward to having sex with Ope now that her tape is out?

For those wondering where they can find the tape, kindly message us personally.
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