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 It is often said that bad guys will always get the girls and the good guys always lose out? Well, I’d reserve my thoughts till the end of my story.

I am not giving my name or a pseudo name, I am not good with these things. I fear that I may give a name close to my real name and my friends and course mates would decipher this and know who I am. So I am in 200 level currently, and I am a faculty of science student. And as per the norm of 200 level students, I live in a BQ although inside school. Now I am not an extremely popular guy, but I am fairly popular by association and being that my faculty lacks girls, I roll more with girls from other faculties.

No, this is not a love story or anything, and this is not how I became a player too. It’s worse. I’m not a holy boy either, but I’m a good wingman, this is why my friends like hanging with me. We have pulled a lot of shenanigans (I just learnt that word, pardon me if I use it wrongly) in my apartment, we have had booze, weed and girls. So I’m not thirsty, I’m just looking to establish that.
Early in my 100 level days however, I was friends with a girl, you know that best friend shit we always talk about, yeah our relationship was of such.  We told each other everything and no one got jealous or anything, she even came around for the shenanigans held in my apartment, and we made out once during a devil’s basket thing, but we understood that it didn’t affect our relationship and no feelings or shit was involved. Like I said, this is not one of those lovey-dovey stuff, but I’m deviating.

You must imagine my surprise when I find out from my course mate and friends from other faculties that my “best friend” is a ho, oh and she’s not of those secret ho’s or those that settle for quality boys, she was a full time ho and a casted one at that. In fact ho is being nice, she was a prostitute, she slept with married men and anybody for money, some didn’t even have to money, so I heard.

I didn’t hold back or put it nicely, I asked her to my apartment sometime two weeks ago and I asked her if she was a runs girl. She was honest and she owned up to it, she didn’t give any excuses, so I didn’t judge her. Now it’s a little difficult to cut her off as my “best friend” so I just ignored it, although I have stopped hanging out with her during normal school hours but we still hang out during evening time.

My problem now is: I am a virgin, and I have found it hard to score with girls or maybe I just haven’t tried hard enough. Actually, to be honest, I am scared of doing it wrong which is why I haven’t had sex and I don’t want to be the guy that girls laugh at on the road and point at me saying, “that’s the guy that can’t do well”. So last week, I asked my “best friend” for sex, yes the ho, and she said no. I am surprised, she sleeps with men for money but she won’t sleep with me for money or even to help me lose my virgin status or even help me make my sex game bomb (I just learnt that too). I have been persisting, and yet she has been refusing. The last time I persisted, I called her and then she said “If that is what would make me happy, she would do it”. Now I’m confused, should I have sex with someone that is not interested? Isn’t that called rape?
This leads to my earlier question: that bad guys will always get the girls and the good guys always lose out?

Should I be a bad guy and have sex with her regardless of whether she wants it, or should I be a good guy and lose out. BTW She’s meant to come over on Saturday, help me people

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  1. Don't...just be a good guy and loose out. The lord is your strength He would provide someone for you.

    1. Plix! Who are you? I'm not understanding you

  2. Guy. Just do it. Be a sharp guy. She wants it, she's just fronting

  3. Yikes! Honestly leave her. Abeg she's not fronting. If she doesn't want it I don't see why you should force yourself. It's like you're desperate.

  4. Maybe she has STD. Better don't o.


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